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Topic subjectRE: I just hate the continued focus on
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22801, RE: I just hate the continued focus on
Posted by spirit, Fri Aug-04-00 05:32 AM
>2) its all "blood money". MCA
>is a subsidiary for UMG
>which is a subsidiary of
>Universal. UMG includes JayZ, DMX
>& Juvenile on its roster.

you call that "blood money"? there's a pretty big difference b/t selling DMX records and selling crack IMO. crack physically harms the user, can harm their unborn children if they get pregnant, often influences its users to steal to support its purchase, encourages violence as a tool for market management ("running the block")...I can't see how you can seriously compare that with selling a DMX CD...

> Where do
>we draw the line at
>complicity? Ie, why is it
>okay to work as the
>accountant for the corporation that
>traffics drugs but not as
>the brotha standing on the
>crrner selling the shit direct?

Legally, they're all wrong. If an accountant is convicted of laundering drug profits, he/she goes to jail. So, your point is?

>>Flossing ain't nbecessarily bad (again) in and >of itself, but what you do to get there and the >climate that you contribute to in your
>>display of your floss.
>Again I ask, where does complicity
>begin & end? Everyone
>has to do what they
>can & live with themselves.

I disagree here. You can't compare selling CDs to selling crack, I'm sorry. It's not just about living with yourself. When you sell crack, you're selling a physically harmful substance. Same is true for cigarettes, but just because cigarettes are legal, that doesn't mean crack is any less harmful. They both should be banned, ideally.

>I understand having standards but
>what I don't like is
>double standards. Most poeple don't
>truly live by their own
>moral standards, yet feel perfectly
>justified in critiquing another individual's

What a generalization. I'm glad to know you have intimate personal knowledge of "most people".

>>we're ALL crabs in one way or another. the question is: how do you justify/counterbalance (there's that word again) your crabbiness?
>no, i think the goal is
>to be as right as
>YOU possibly can. But
>for most its easier to
>point fingers at what the
>next man is/isn't doing -
>instead of fixing where they
>are at fault.

I'm not understanding what's underlying your argument. Our entire legal system is based on moral judgments. Most social movements are based on agitating against what some perceive as a "moral wrong". Moral activism is a proud part of the black tradition. Why should we limit our moral outrage to racism, for example? Why can't we express moral outrage at certain lyricism? Unless of course you're saying that moral outrage is wrong as a whole...

>really my main issue with
>the things I continously hear
>at this site. When hard
>pressed most people are just
>as guilty of fostering negativity
>within our community (aroundtheway &

You're gonna have to define "negativity".

Spread love,


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