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Topic subjectRE: vegetarians and fish
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=20479&mesg_id=20503
20503, RE: vegetarians and fish
Posted by Nettrice, Tue Oct-24-00 08:25 AM
When I was a teenager I stopped eating pork because I believed only poor people ate it. I am from the south and it was a big issue in my family. After high school I moved to NYC and discovered tofu, soy protein and the more veggetarian food I found the less meat I ate. Out went the red meat, chicken and eventually fish. However, unless you live in NYC where veggie restaraunts abound then you're ass out, especially if you don't know how to prepare the food.

I was macrobiotic for a time and I got really sick so I started eating milk products, eggs and occasionally fish again to stay healthy. I never went back to pork, chicken or red meat.

"Know thyself"

"It's our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"- Dumbledore to Harry Potter "Chamber of Secrets"