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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectDay 1
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=10912&mesg_id=11064
11064, Day 1
Posted by dispatriot, Sat Sep-15-01 05:32 PM
Day of truth. Me, my boy and a friend got armloads of produce from the local ghetto-mart (produce for miles for only $10) and circled around the juicer as if in prayer. Mangoes, pears and bananas, apples and apricots. All swirling around in fruit harmony while we watched in anticipation-- it was already 1pm and none of us had eaten. We gazed hungrily as juiced dripped forth from the mouth of our Omega monster. Chopped up more fruit. Watched. Chopped. Watched. 30 minutes later we poured our amassed juice into 3 cups: 4 apples, 3 apricots, 1 mango, 3 bananas, 2 pears, liquified.

If filled only 2 cups.

Our eyebrows shot up quizzically and our stomachs rumbled. We divvied up the juice over the cups and drank up. I had some water, and got quite full.

My boy and my friend however, kept eyeing the machine, as if it might be hoarding a hamburger, or maybe some pizza. They felt gypped! All that time and effort and not even a whole cup of juice. They made jokes about McDonald's. I think maybe I won't have the support of these two boys after all.. we'll see...

Went to the Mumia Rally in Leimart Park, had an Odwalla...didn't stay too long cause I had to pee like a mutha. (It was only 5 min from my house.) Went home, went to the bathroom, and then immediately became ravenous. I ran downstairs and took about 10 minutes and made 3+ cups of juice with tomatoes and carrots and a potato and a small section of a clove of garlic. Couldn't finish even a cup. I think maybe it was the garlic-- I think I have low blood pressure and garlic is supposed to lower your blood pressure even more, and I got REAL sleepy. I had some banana puree (does banana NOT juice??) and was about to pass out. I've been sitting here about 15 minutes and feel somewhat better. I remember my dad used to take garlic pills on the regular until he started fainting.. mental note to self: no more garlic juice.

"Loyalty to the country always, and loyalty to the government when it deserves it." -Mark Twain

west coast activists, step up!!