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Topic subjectRE: OkayFast Falll 2001
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=10912&mesg_id=10922
10922, RE: OkayFast Falll 2001
Posted by chyne, Tue Sep-04-01 04:24 AM
May God Bless you all!!

Thanks so much for this post because it really is going to serve as a big boost in me doing my fast. After reading all the posts, I just went and filled my water bottle because it gave me a lot of incentive.

>This post should serve as a
>journal of sorts for all
>okps who have fasted and
>are fasting now. It's
>always good to record thoughts,
>feelings, ideas, etc. on a
>fast because you never know
>what you might come up
>with when your body is
>not spending energy on digesting
>food. So whatca say?!?!
I agree with you wholeheartedly on that one. Let me tell you what happened to me last year. For a long time I did not dream and I could not understand why. Well anyway, last year I eliminated starches from my diet for two weeks for the purpose of loosing weight which I successfully did, amongst other health benefits. But what I noticed this time was that after either the second or third of no starches, I started to dream, day after day after day. I feel beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is directly related to the elimination of starch. When I went back on my starches, the dream ceased. When I went back off, the dreams started again.

Now, I know that eliminating starches is no where compared to fasting but it makes me wonder if the consumption of food or the overconsumption blocks our spirituality. I remember reading in Queen Afua's book, "Heal Thyself", that fasting eliminates blockages. Could this be what happened? and why would food block us from anything.

What do the rest of you think? I really would like to know.

Peace to all!!!!!!