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Topic subjectMentioned before, but
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=10105&mesg_id=10196
10196, Mentioned before, but
Posted by Ape Redwood, Tue Nov-06-01 02:21 PM
Learning WITH your child is very important. Shows them the joy of learning by example, and shows that they are equal with you in some ways: you can be as ignorant as them or even more so on certain topics. Me and my dad learned about astronomy and paleontology (I was obsessed with dinosaurs) together. Those memories are wonderful to this day, I still remember what we learned.

Diversity is also important. I plan on exposung my child to a wide variety of music, books, places, languages, foods, sports, areas of knowledge, books, activities, etc. This helps them adapt to new environments (very important life skill), become more openminded, and show them that one lifestyle/mindstate/wolrdview/diet/religion/music/culture/etc. is not THE only way.