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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectSistahs, what's the verdict?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=31578&mesg_id=31578
31578, Sistahs, what's the verdict?
Posted by ya Setshego, Thu Jun-23-11 09:49 AM
1. Do we REALLY need a man, if we are financially stable, have our own homes, already have children(or don't want any), and I guess know how to go to Rite Aid for batteries when need be? LOL!
2. Polygamy: should we stop "fakin' the funk", w/ all these babydaddies, and sleepin' around w/ other people's husbands, etc., and just say 'F*** it, we just need to go on and become a polygamous society w/in a monagamous society-at-large'? & if we let Brothahs do this, do you think they could handle it(financially, emotionally & Spiritually w/o letting that Ego run amuck)?
3. MRS vs MS degree: is it a "worthy sacrifice" to focus on obtaining education, career, getting your business started(or whatever the case may be), BEFORE pursuing marriage(or otherwise committed relationship), or possibly, at the expense of?
4. OTHERS: IF it's really true that there is a shortage of marriagable Brothahs statistically(due to the down-low<the estimates are as high as 80% of African-American men engage in this behavior, btw>, outright homosexuality, eternal bachelorhood, into white women, in jail, on drugs, blah-zay,blah-zay, blah-zay, you know the drill...), then should we look to other types/races/ethnicities of men? If not, then what is the solution?
5. I worked in Kenya in '02, where it is believed that a female does not become a woman until she gives birth. Agreed, or disagreed?

I'm sure there are other ponderings(Blackwomyn's issues) that we should/could discuss/consider that I have not thought of, w/ respect to our unique needs, in our community, that pertain to, and effect, for the most part, us. Go ahead and add 'em in, and see what we can come up w/.