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Topic subjectbut the chances that it would be related to steroids would
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37650&mesg_id=37731
37731, but the chances that it would be related to steroids would
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Tue Mar-07-06 05:24 PM
drasticlly increase if stereoids were legal...

In MLB...they WERE legal....so thus the fact that natural muscle mass occurs in general w/o steroids is minimized when the population you're looking at are operating in an environment where steroids are legal....

Barry Bonds appearance...a long with McGuirre, Sosa, Giambi, Juan Gone, and numerous others...their appearance is actually but one of the multiple pieces of evidence that they are on roids..

another would be the fact that they were "legal" in baseball would be another piece of evidence...

yet another would be the "accomplishments" ..... between 1964 and 2000 there were but a hand full of 50 home run seasons...actually even before 2000, guys started putting up sick sick numbers.....numbers that were not even close to anything seen in the past. Now if natural increase in muscle is the explanation for a Bonds...then what is the explanation for the drastic increas in HRs across the board.......and even more important...where are the other examples, either in sports, or in life in general that will tell me that such a drastic "accomplishment" based increase is related to anything "natural"..... Where are the 25 rebound a game guys in the NFL....Where are the dead bodies of Football players that are being hit by guys who are now NATURALLY 3 times strong than Dick Butkus or Deacon JOnes....

where are the street fights occuring where people's heads are being decappitated by 1 punch by guys who are now NATURALLY able surpass the strength of men in previous decades....

Bonds was on Roids....and was on Human growth hormones...in fact he still may be on human growth hormones since there is no way to test for those right now....