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Topic subject*record scratch*
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=100021&mesg_id=100108
100108, *record scratch*
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Nov-12-12 09:02 AM
>theyre nostalgic for the Showtime era
>if they wanted the triangle they wouldve hired Brian Shaw
>thats why they went after Chris Paul at first

They went after Chris Paul because he's the best point
guard on the planet, you imbecile

That means in the half court and the open court

Chris Paul might be *deadlier* in the half court

That's specifically what makes him so great; he's
well rounded.

>they wanna anotha Magic Johnson
>the consolation was Steve Nash

No, they wanted a good point guard.

None of the other elite young ones were

They took the elite old one.


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