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Topic subjectI put peyton #2 in the Playoff QB post...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=29644&mesg_id=30035
30035, I put peyton #2 in the Playoff QB post...
Posted by MadDagoNH, Tue Jan-17-06 08:18 PM
But I'm penitent. I've raelized my sins, and my heart is pure.

So am I welcomed into the wonderful world of Peyton Hatin?

Because that whiny horse-faced bitch sucks.

McGrath: Good crowd out there tonight, boys, let's really try to win this one.
Ned Braden: You have to hand it to the old bastard, he's highly original.
Jim Ahern: That man traveled 15 hours by bus to say that?
-Slap Shot