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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectJust making sure you know how dumb this is :)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=104966&mesg_id=105410
105410, Just making sure you know how dumb this is :)
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Dec-15-15 05:10 PM
You can post whatever you want. Just making sure you know that you're "victory" will be in the form of awfully low hanging fruit that most of us never really argued against.

Actually, I'm kind of wondering who this post was aimed at because Lakers fans are largely too wrapped up in the circus of this season, the impressive development of Randle and Clarkson, screaming for Byron's neck for not playing Russ more/more often in crucial moments, and generally viewing Russ as two years away anyways to give two fucks about how good or bad Oak is or will be.

It's just a weird agenda and you're really gonna strut your stuff when you connect in a nearly uncontested game of tee ball aren't you?


have fun with that

I can see the appeal though, what with you and OE making yourselves easy pickins this weak. I can't decide if this is worse than your Shyamalan agenda though. What is it about opinions rooted in the objective observation of facts that makes so many OKP's develop an allergy? These are some of the easy ass whoopin's I've ever dished out this week. Must be the pollen.