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Topic subjectmirage of self pt. 2
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4160, mirage of self pt. 2
Posted by WILDOUT, Mon Aug-25-03 02:42 AM

"wandering minds” feat. Anita J.
Jun-30-02 AT 10:32 PM (EST)

the relevance
from my lack of words
lack of former intelligence
what’s the issue?
I’m crying foreign hands offering tissues
I really miss you.. I can’t take it
and I feel so naked when I’m alone
but I’m prone to just zone
out on the paper, in-between my lines, thinking on different times
wanting just mine, but greed comes at high fines
tariffs, taxes, and an onslaught of adverse blockades
wondering when can I get paid
instead I’m forced to wear facetious disguises
like I was in intelligence or politricks
I just want to hold you in my arms
But society beats my body with they fists and night sticks
And their overpriced kicks, clothes, food,
We underpaid
Still working like slaves
On the last plantations = government corporations
But you the truest soljah in my army of one
And though I miss you as if somebody shot out the light of my Sun-----
this is the ecliptical hour where nothing is sacred but all are scared
where no one is naked, but all are laid vulnerable to bare
the needs;
the planted seeds from our days as children, men, and women grow,
from higher learning and now we burning,
fires caught on the wind blow,
but there’s much more at stake then just our bodies
and the wax dripping on the window-sill,
we’re all soldiers,
but it’s too much, when the children are toting shotties
'cause there souls got too many holes to feel...my god.
Got too many doubting God and turning against one another
Fighting their own brothers
Don’t give a damn bout they own mothers
Sisters, cousins, aunts or uncles
We headed into ugly times
When battle stances are all folks think about for no reason or rhyme
Love is lacking, discipline slacking, the I (eye) stands still losing sight
And in the end, it, after we all die, it won’t matter who was wrong or right
It’s times like these when I will miss your presence, wish you could be here
Cuz life seems too damn overwhelming, trying to battle constant fears
And I just want to pull you close, stop time for just a little while
Spark a smile
And add this moment to U-N-I binary files
But life is hectic and crazy and I don’t want my peace to fade
wandering, plundering
wondering when I’m getting paid
instead I’m getting played
tax write off for the gov't,
frustration and hunger meant, that some grabbed the guns,
my people's a game to some,
they hold funds and fuck with our minds just 4 the fun,
but some flip the tip and choose to befriend the pen,
I see where I begin,
but they keep tellin' me where it ends
in a world of fake friends and corporations
we’re all getting burnt,
but there’s more at stake than our skin on the whole
they can show us a grave, but they can’t kill us all
and if there's 1ne love, there's always goin’ be 1ne to trust
so don't be paranoid, my family, just practice cautiousness
I’m sending all my love now to the world above
my head
waking up, my love wondering
how, I slept
with bombs going off outside,
and I’m a keep reaching out
no matter how cold outside.. this is my life,
and if none else, then I myself am going ta do this shit right till...
the end.



My monthly menstrual Must cramp his style As he explicitly reveals His ignorance To this physical Female vulnerability And His deliberate indifference is Crippling to my emotional stability I cringe to find these cracks In the vertebrae of his sensitivity It's like he has no respect for feminine integrity Hormonal flames ignite As he splinters my serenity and incites my irritation Repetitively striking sharply On the bathroom door despite no invitation Interrupting my grievances with Mother Nature He betrays my privacy I am exasperated and exhausted But he’s “amused” by my suffering He simply snickers at my pleas While I am left to shriek and weep It certainly seems he likes to tease ‘cause no matter how hard I try I can’t seem to schedule Five fucking minutes of peace -vent-

“Re: period of frustration by Shannon.”

we ain’t got these
sore pussies
like y’all do.. womanly
love, and strength,
above when dead we watch over them
see how fucked up our perception was
when we thought it was hard to be men
but as for as our conspicuous, almost un-intelligible delivery
of our empathy and not our sympathy goes
a good man will
give you a acetamaphinal pill, tell you 2 chill, and let you know who got your back, and in a minute
put a hot water bottle under your stomach, warm arms hold you still
help you win this monthly battle
we'll give you some warm soup, and some kisses on your collar bone
to help you recoup, rub your back till you fall asleep, let you know you can relax.. your home..
and although you are alone, in your feminine confliction
it dont mean that love from your soul mate ain’t the prescription..


"for my fam' pt.2 F.Y.I. updates"
Nov-06-02, 08:03 PM (EST)

the circular transition from my position
where I once stood where I once
knock on wood and say it’s all to the good
but as we learn with time
nothing is for certain
and curtains can appear over whole lives,
engulf homes in showers of knives
bloody welfare, can’t afford healthcare
a simple cold could spell out death
so they hand those out of breath
crack, guns, and opportunity through doing the
deeds of a man in an office who would never see
repercussions from where we at
I’ve seen empires rise, and suns collapse
the moons contract and birth rises to plague the modern maps
I’ve seen god bodies tamper with death and destiny
taking grip through space and time and pulling the
icy grip of the reapers kept ice finger tips
just to pull the eye sockets closed on kids
who should have never saw nothing, who couldn’t be trusted
trust it, is an easier fate, then dealing with the outline of whole crews once they find out it was you
dealin' behind they back, snake in the grass
while the grass lasts, under the heat
under the feet, of those who will surpass where hip hop is at right now
seems we all chokin', writing this knowin' that some of my fam’ will see what I mean
and others will not, but give them time and give this thought
maybe we'll all see something new, ‘cause all I need is you.
All I need is,
this shit fam’, my writing scheme
fuck a pen and a paper, a keyboard does fine for me
under lions den rests the babe of a foreign, species of the dust
the coming is now, this shit is a must.
observing rising stars from my bus seat window
the warmth hardly surpasses the freeze of winters slow
the wind blows and I hear it, and although I’m near it
I dont fear it, what is fate? or destiny?
what kind of meaning is manifest in me
that I should be, something more then myself
on the path that leads me twists me and turns me
and yet this path burns me yearns me, but still never earns me
it just has what it has, justified or not
this too shall mother fucking pass
and I’m back, full hard drive, full mind of thought
wondering where my fam’ is, where they are not
yo check it
ergo says I ain’t lost my touch
and I know that it’s true, ‘cause long as they reachin' out the fam’ goin’ touch through whatever glass or shield
whatever sands or fields
my mind is an open door waiting to be explored by the real
listeners, the real ones afraid but still going
and all my hope all my strive
to you I be owing
All I need is,
this shit fam’, my writing scheme
fuck a pen and a paper, a keyboard does fine for me
under lions den rests the babe of a foreign, species of the dust
the coming is now, this shit is a must.


“Anti-Fascist Action pt. 1”


I disperse my thirst
my vocal cords ripping threw hearts with blank verse
errors hitting screens
quenching my fires with the gasoline mixed with shredded sheets of the capitalist regime
fuck cream
while we battle
governments run schemes well rehearsed
no coincidence
officials lock down the scene
giving the news images to flash on your screen
neutralizing everything so our forces are dissolved
I stay resolved against
squads convincing enough to bypass social consequence
they watch us burn without teaching us how to learn their hooded trade
their is much more then a coloured man left at stake
pigeon fed, so much to take so they grow in numbers and members
they slip word by word into the mass consciousness
making free-thought almost oblivious
and I stand alone,
who will join the force of one.

Stand up!
Get up!
do something
stop fucking sitting
yell out
give love
get mad
the shooting stars are going collapse your foundation
stop fucking wishing on em
stand up as a nation!!!!!

I spell it out
not that hard to miscommunicate
they act like terrorism
is the justification for world wide hate
while you participate funding the war
bombs are handed out and strapped to the poor
I stand and speak for those who cannot
I see the deceased and I watch my people rot
my heart goes out
over sea’s to those families who trusted those who oversee
the destruction without doing anything
fucking destruction
leaving nothing of homes that supported our daily functions
the babies are shocking, reacting to their introduction to corruption
but we force them in it
arm stretched out, needle loaded, it’ll take just a minute

Stand up!
Get up!
do something
stop fucking sitting
yell out
give love
get mad
live life
be real
stop justifying lies
Mother fuckers it’s a world war open up you eyes!!!


“Anti-Fascist Action pt.2”

if there’s a lesson learnt
while we watch the victims burn
if there’s a lesson learnt
while we watch the victims burn


mother fuckers I’m wilding out


cant you see?
look into your mind
rewind your prime time
realize what’s inside

Mother fuckers I’m wiling out

Seems we didn’t get the point
how many times we'll they kill our prophets while we stand buy
anointing the torch in oils
ignoring the smell of burning flesh
fucking buying into their bull shit
no matter how far fetched
they've got a sketch of the perfect nation
they've got a sketch of the perfect nation
who gave them power:??
they BELIEVE their right!!
I can’t believe my eyes
my Muslim brothers and sisters are dying and not a mouse's voice screeches out
millions of fucking hands and not one reaches out

if there’s a lesson learnt
while we watch the victims burn
if there’s a lesson learnt
while we watch the victims burn


I can’t take it no more
you know how far you have to push before I lose control
never that
I’ve lost control
I learned discipline
I with-hold from strapping shrapnel and destroying buildings
but my anger and my will gets stronger, all the fucking killings
we can walk out of school classes
we can break out from our restraints and maliciously attack masses
but what the fuck have we changed in the long range?
we’re still living under the fucking capitalist regime
how can you build a new country when we’re in the same name?
we need to overthrow them trust me
I feel the everlasting pain
It’s all one world, they separate us for one reason
to teach us their lessons about justification of others bleeding

if there’s a lesson learnt
while we watch the victims burn
if there’s a lesson learnt
while we watch the victims burn




“anti-fascist action pt.3”

cats dont even know
they look into their souls and think their bling represents their whole
they grab glocks and support the jail ran economies
that’s right, they need, a certain amount of your family
to sustain their greed,
only to take them and place them, suck their life out like batteries
turning on your high speed cable
ignoring tragedies
if you believe, what your told,
you'll never see
the conflict I rape back
spitting in the face of my enemies while they strap my hands behind my back
I stay well equipped without gats,
my mind isn’t effected by the rush
I wash my system out with water rather then rum
and watch as you run into streets and the glass shatters
a mirror of Zimbabwe, humans under pressure
you understand that you can’t break the greed in a country built on it
so what you achieve is to leave and go to the second world for your first trip
then into the third world where the revolt is constant
mother fuckers!!

split domes
and metronomes
feel the beat of this peoples heart
buss chromes
or slay zones
but still murder is not art

They preach of sin being in the first of humans
more even
they give us more and more to justify making the wrong decisions
I’m vomiting up old saying and prayers
realizing that the capitalist world is theirs
they watch you DESPAIR
and they laugh in almost pragmatic stance
in fact, their the insomniacs
who suck on the souls of those who let them in
unplug your TV
sit by yourself
and be claimed as less then the mainstream
but you defeat your enemies by not accepting defeat

split domes
and metronomes
feel the beat of this peoples heart
buss chromes
or slay zones
but still murder is not art


“pimpin' is not a game”

this is dedicated to:

All the women and all the men who can see through the smoke to a higher light. Being a cheater, being a player, being unable to dedicate, or even worse, being able to be dedicated but choosing not to, because you believe that the lifestyle of monogamy is "un-cool" is nothing new or original.
Dealing with multiple partners, having unprotected sex, OR protected sex (if you can call a sloppy life style protective) has been going on since days before the Christian era, or before Jesus. Why do you think that Jesus was born unto a virgin? Born unto a woman in a monogamous relationship.
This isn't even about purism, it's about love, we forget that the base of sex, IS love. We forget that the base of life, the base of creation IS love.
Fundamentally, even god recognized that those who sway from the mainstream, those who are "n.e.r.d."s per say, are the ones who revolutionize. We get caught up in games we play from early days, but forget that games are not the soul purpose of our creation.
If god wanted games and players, he would have said fuck the world and created x-box instead. Living we need to be staying true and using love, rather then feeding greed, and feeding the beast that the propaganda of our world grows inside our brains.
You know what I’m talking about the id, we maintain that we dont have, but we enjoy indulging, almost fiendishly.
Prostitution is not a "woundless crime" as the politicians claim, that girl you see on the corner, that you automatically assume is in your justification to give dirty looks to, is someone's daughter... SOMEONES DAUGHTER.
Don't take advantage of situations and slowly you'll see what I mean. This piece is dedicated to those who understand all what I just said; there is NOTHING glorious bout pimping.

As for the piece itself, all I do is paint portraits, I see in my minds eye. The characters I paint, are not under pounds of effects. They are beautiful and true to their natures. Even if their nature is so vicious that I despise them. This is one of those times, that my palette got the best of me.

I grew up with all women, I love all women (all people in general, until it is proven that I should do otherwise), and I could never hurt anyone ,unless they were coming to kill me.

"the check up"

close the fucking door behind me
ain’t you glad that you found me?
perfect timing to be found
your tears roll down
glad I got your attention
I’m grinning
think I didn’t know you lived in
room 501, like I dont clip the wings of my mother fucking chickens?
all my women, live in these here high rise buildings
what are those tears for? I came to check up
look me in my fucking eyes bitch, put your chin up
before I rip your ribs up
open them from where they conjoin
theirs no cops in this land...
dont make me dead you right where you stand
hurt my fucking hands
fight back, you'll find
my gold teeth can reflect much more then a simple image
there’s no turning back, your far from your line of scrimmage
deceitful old beef will leave you
with mad cow disease or salmonella poisoning
how you goin’ tell me nobody gave you no work
I dont give a----bitch your making me so angry
my head's turning red... like my fists
ya I know you wish
you could give me my money
but you ain’t --------
(it is the sickness that drives him as he stands, the same sickness that drive you to read this conversation)
-------- aspiring to meet demands!!
what the hella tol' you?!
backhand, till I mould u, into what you need to be
I’ll send you back to your man
send a van to kill bo'fe a you
this is what it sounds like, when crows cry
when cold hearts bleed the cement freezes under dark skies
could be, just another day for him
now he got his ex girl crying
swearing that if you dont let her in she'll be dying
to bad she fucked up on the corner
bet when the led hits ain’t nobody goin’ mourn her
"oh that’s dry"
what the fuck is dry about it!?
you grow up and either stand by the contracts
or get your forehead splintered by the axe on contact
all these okay heads speaking bout pimpin’ but ain’t nothing sweet
mos' these girls get blisters on their feet, and that’s the clean ones
scared to leave the game, ‘cause there's no-where to run


“This is not a rap song”

This is not a rap song
but this is freestyled out
this is not a rock song
but I have no doubt of my route
this is not classical
although it’s important to me
this is not a poem
although it symbolizes who I be
this is not the water
although it's moist enough for you to touch
this is not embarrassing
although my cheeks do tend to blush
this is not that REAL shit!
but I’m going to try to teach you what I know
and even though I feel shit
there’s nothing I’ve learned that tells me so...
this IS a work in progress
like sleep and rejuvenation
I guess it’s a thought I processed
when I immersed deeply in my dreams and then started to awaken
I don’t know when this came to me
but it is not of my kind
this is not a rap song
but my words do ascend to rewind
I’m feeling out like a midwife
birthing concepts that I bear in my mind
but in the end I find, they still aren’t mine
I feel out of place like a mistake in a good copy
or am I quintessential to the humanity of the lines?
I feel deeply resolved to say something
and I say a lot but stay resolved
it seems the words tend to fail me,
when they win my time over and fall onto the page and dissolve


“daily news, august 14th, 2002"

a philosopher in downtown Toronto Ontario issued this statement when he was found standing over a murdered police officer earlier this morning:
that inside yourself you can find truth and see
and if you can’t be
yourself then self is not you
and if you can’t tell the truth, then the lie is true to you
it’s all relative just like personal views
just depends what it’s meaning to u
feel my delight
seeking light at night in trivial times
my rhymes flee from insight to find safe havens from becoming these lines
it’s like they
dont want to be a part of me any more
they dont like me
guess it’s bad habits, ‘cause I abuse my muse
just to amuse myself
and others constantly catch my tunes
while wildout loses himself
inside a gortex jacket
vortex Alice into my world
the force fed rabbit
I flex
material world
we’re turning ourselves into money
we’ve become two faced, good Christian turn the other cheek
even with they lower body
we’re all in shock, ‘cause we've all been mind raped
our family's beg to know
but all they see is that same place they been,
surrounded by the emblem of protection, yellow and black
police tape modern day evil eye strapped around alley cats
yo tell the people
what these tragedies meant
no wonder there's corruptions it's so detriment
police look for dead presidents before they notice the dead residents
my soul
has forty-one holes and it keeps growing wider
they shoot everyone they see it’s like they kamikaze
thinking they lost the battle before they even sign on to protect the...
people I see, can’t see me when I slip
into my birth suit and cocoon till I can rest
a transformation
I take long breaths trying to calm me down
and find my lungs poisoned
we all talk about it
pollution goin’ run shit till our nerve endings have a
power outage
like we ain’t met the cause, so it must just be part of life
that ain’t right
guess it’s omnipotent like police brutality in N.Y.C. at midnight?
I’m serious
I speak in jest,
delirious with eyes closed to detest
my nemesis who no longer is a person,
but is a world that shut itself off,
these cops want to hang like my people
let’s get a justified lynch crew,
these corporations seem comfy until they come to pinch u
and your out of there like a pimple
dogs can’t protect the sheep ‘cause they still house broken
we need to breed us some killer wolves
and in other news:
hunting season is open.


“Kick the blood out”

The pied piper, lips unsealed, unzipped, suddenly when the clock hits the hour
to spit meteor showers
to bring back the power
to fill the emptiness, which we naw feel that surround us
until it drown us
it found us
bouncing off melodies
echoing off your voice
finger printing itself in powder
line after line arise the
climbing into your bedroom
trials of the soul and of faith
how many days have we spent behind the police tape
before we were engulfed into the blaze
there were many sparks waiting to catch fyre
we drinking oils and fuels, refusing the water
and as the flames rise, and the blaze catch ya eyes
you throw ya drink in it, brotha + oil + fyre = skillet
I represent the street's bouncer so I kill it
all this romance to concrete, deceit, and tragedies song
keep trying to kick all them kids who dont belong
get ‘em singing they own shit, and move ‘em along
but some get caught, following Alice’s rabbit
I represent the street's bouncer
I dont just kick dem ass out, I kick the habits
it’s all lack of discipline which lead the children astray
and Alice’s rabbit will speak to any kid listening, else find another way
but as long as my skin boils when I feel this way
the pot goin’ to rise each and every fucking day like the sun
till the day it boil over and cleanse these lands,
perhaps today is the one


Aug-15-02 AT 04:20 PM (EST)

we slice our hearts open
with swords tarnished
to serve a meal straight to our souls garnished
why the fuck for
..why the fuck for?
we all been back stabbed
and back stabbed each other
show me a man who is pure, I’ll show you a liar
‘cause we are the descendants of Cain
and when it rains,
god speaks through the thunder,
and we walk
under his sadness and rage
we all seek to lose control and have good faith
but free thought tends to replace that sweet taste
of grapes that overlay
our poisons
and the knowledge we behold leaves us bitterly
offered choices
I sometimes hear voices bounce off the wall
and sometimes when I sit and cry
my shadow stands tall
while I dont stand at all
why the fuck for?
..why the fuck for??
is there more to this then ignorance
hate.. or bliss
excuse me as I kiss goodbye
this world that denies itself
while statues weep and the children cry
in poverty of heat.. our bodies are so cold when we die
and I see birds fly by..
we assume our role is more important then other nature
if nature is a mother then she hates ya,
so you might as well give up now
we done murdered her children..
you goin’ speak on forgiveness now?
unlike a niche, we travel nomadically..
a cancer of sorts and by far
these scars that I keep re-blocking over and over again in my memory
is going be the death of me
I got new souls befriending me
not knowing where I currently sit in space and time
but shit happens and none will speak of my frame of mind
when they see me coming through swinging furious
they wont push themselves to understand
murder curious.. it means nothing that we are men
we are nothing but flesh, bone, and blood...
at least.. that’s how we can comprehend what we see
wondering how far I can push reality
or is this whole boundary a complete fallacy?
what is justice... but another relativity..
a variable in a dead sea..
could I sacrifice myself to the world we see
and still have not changed shit..
or does it all cost a fee
can money change what my spirit cannot
is my mainframe distorted or not?
will anyone cry if all these baggy jean wearing
falsified, gangster not caring ass children get got?
will anyone notice in Japan if a whole school in my home town gets shot!?
‘cause I’m about to blow
to go where no sane man has ever been before
they say once you wild out, your never sane no mo'e
‘cause you done snuck through the tiny lil’ worm hole
waking up drowning.. I should have known..
but I’m sitting and my shadow holds it head,
constantly getting vertigo
coughing up blood trying to let my issues go..
maybe stop my heart from beating.. and all this internal bleeding..
why the fuck for?
why the fuck do we give up so damn close
to reaching our goals
why are we so blind not to see that we ourselves have souls
are we ever truly alone.. or do we just wish we were
so we could justify the mass confusion..
the flame is out.. and the world sleeps un-aware of what each night it is losing..
millions take flight to ascension while I speak in simple tongues
is it possible to save me from what I’ve become
yo echo that.. there is no redemption but the feeling of resolve
and the ending has no resolution at all,
all becomes undone and lady fate begins to weave a new web
and the fyre swells up inside her cheeks..
she's blushing.


“Religious Equity”

Who wants to battle!?!?
Why my child..
he's rolling in his most holy grave..
his faith has been torn from it’s purest frame
simple wood, would not do, decorations corrupting it for the
priests, klu klux, nearly one and the same
no wonder they killed Martin Luther
and Martin Luther King Junior
the church think they got aim. smiling when they got shame
while their looters say that they on the side of truth
Christ wants to battle. for the infected youth!!
because popes allow their priests to pillage and rape
to play games with innocent children's mind states
the Vatican keeps the true scriptures behind red tape
they treat the brain washing like a state
of affairs
using our minds like they meant for some wear and tear
strategic shit..
the faith..
what faith?
I have faith in god not those who would rob
us for that so called cause..
a faith that has been a political party built on death and wealth
and what nation to claim patronage then the one that killed Christ themselves!?
fuck the catholic church
fuck Canada’s prime minister
kissing the popes ring?
introducing the party policia, new kind of sinister
how can a holy man allow himself to be revered as a king?
your not next to, Jesus Christ what this world has come to
millions of youth, brain washed in a police state, 'cept the educated few
and I swear to you
Christ wants to battle
‘cause when his people come to, there goin’ be coming through with revolts and retorts against all this bullshit
reading the bible over and over again
trying to pretend, like you dont need to find your own truths
act as if the words aren’t poisoned by greed, and the policies bad seeds,
want to claim the public space I grow in, as private property
and throw me? out like those kids supporting safe sex
see how your actions affect. even
poisoned minds believe they can pray to cure themselves of
the aids virus? when prayer heals souls and bodies in time, just as the enzymes released from being happy and hopeful does!!
no time to educate them let ‘em see who they can be?
NO. the poisoned traditions tell ‘em so.. SEE?
the true king wore thorns, not platinum.. re-think who the fuck you goin’ be


"The Blue BlaZe Theory":
If I’m not an illosipher then why do I feel so sick?
My whole world is torn, my life ripped like a ligament.
(Leaves most people shaking)
And there's no quick answers to sorrow.
(With Brutal phrasing)
Feeling remorse, my bottle filled, but the shell is hollow.
(Living, Aging)
Young'ens jump off buildings, or buss off gats.
(The life of a raging lunatic)
The weak join in ‘cause they say cash rules the map. Naw fool.
(The gift of the magi)
I don't smoke cess.
(Magicians of medicine pulled me out of the rabbit hole)
Red Red wine can't even get me lifted, to be specific..
(They smacked me and I laughed when the broke their hands)
When the clip hits the hammer, watch the smoke pour out. Scribbling.
(The Midas touch living, frozen statues of the land)
Black ink of my dark red blood on the paper, for your fam’ to sip on. Your all lost like when you hit the spliff for too long.
(Mythology can't blaze my policy for rocking concepts)
Life is too real for drugs to phase me, my pain for my curse through the unblessed seed, more then physical watch my metaphysical bleed.
(I'm not stopping)
Life from the womb, to the concrete, to the cut, to the tomb, and I’m far from reaching parole.. The beast engulfed me whole.
(Blue bLaZin' the true art of hip hopping)
That’s real to me, what's real to you? not like it's going to change anything, like Talib, move something.


"one round at the stand up"

my words were blind fury so I ripped the stage
didn’t have an extra breath to take, to say it plain
it was a freestyle
I spit words of fire, y’all spitting for girlfriends like Silkk did with Mya,
I looked at my skin and burnt it thorough
now all I have is some bandages wrapped on burnt flesh, (respectively)
to represent my borough
"where you at?" (SCARBOROUGH! hahahahahahaha)
coming straight out Toronto
the dull witted get their dreams shut down, vanished straight from pillows pronto
ask the tooth fairy, yeah we go way back..
ever since I sweet talked so much that I can’t find where my tooth is at
dont worry when I spit my lava at you, your girls WONT end up widows
long as they got that booty yeah I’m sure that "their mama gave them that"
their daddy told them they couldn’t go out so now all they want to do is rebel up on that
ain't no chickens that the kernel can't mack, riiiiiiight?
stand back.. with my cool mint pack, I come back to fight plaque... "the evil gingivitis bacteria"..
introducing....... floss and wax
dirty teeth girl.. acting like that booty serious, made of solid gold
"You steal me lucky charms.. and then I call, get put on hold??"
Irish girls are too bold..
they like you better buy the box before you stick the spoon in the cheerios
cheery oh.. I wasn’t out for that
with some vodka and a bag of cheetos forgetting where my mouth be at..
get at me yo!!
straight off my buzz, got munchies like a pregnant mother does, when she begging you for pickle juice and crackers and your like...uhhhhhhhh!?
ring me on my motoroll'
let’s get kinky... we can put the world on whole, spit at me like missy did
I got my laces tied up, ‘cause I’m a ritzy kid!
cue the fabulous shit...(beat starts while I hop on the subway)...
"posing, with my pants on saggy, with that weed leaf, two dime baggies..."
holla back youngin woot woot...lol


The trilogy "carry the weight"

Here dropping two by three and ending in four
The trilogy spitting ill imagery you just can't ignore

blak impact, that of a smash to jaw
aight, around windpipes and hips comes the big blak bear claw
speaking of the windpipes most y’all cats on some small talk,
chances of higher education wasted on learning the Crip walk
What? You gonna kill this and mack that with the whack shit you got on lock
Blindly treading dangerously to make your own mark outlined in chalk
and there he lay, verdict guilty with no court
this flow sport done fooled another one ass out wit no shorts
straight booty like j-lo, you be huddling together in the fort.
Don't speak unless told to soldier, cadets don't hold enough rank to retort.
Cause this is not a democracy and loose lips get sunk point blank
The Trilogy conducting pillagery like Mongols approaching the enemy’s flank
the Heineken breaf, syllable sharp shank
to freshmans, pockets dugged, f'theirs got ganked, hah
my style reconciles, and resembles that of the next movement,
quit your bullshitting, if you understood you'd know you couldn’t improve me,
My flows break noses like blows and leave an Mc’s pitiful brains on the pavement
Start your praying that the lord show you with minimal pains what the way to behave be

to you goes, in a turnicate, the mic, ya turn I bet
positionin'slippin'in rank f'real, these days thrown loosely, the word emcee

these rhymes too intricate, hitting migraines up on vets,
for real, packing blue steel with the intent to kill, you so crazy Lucy, infected where viral fluids leak,
There ain't no cold blooded there's just hot blood flowing from an Emcee gutted
Flooded with misleading conceptions of some middle age minor
Making platinum disks, laying in to fix the odds avoid the risks
get sixed like eighty not niner, witness poetic justice nothing finer
rival 'gainst the acidic saliva
burn under irritable heat speak
ya sweet godiva lady maybe a
known rapper poster y'keep close...
while close ya watch the theatrics
made by this graphic designer

yo I hustled since I learned how to feed without umbilical cord
lyrically gorgeous venom flows when I breathe, words that when I read out loud, reek havoc and make ‘em bleed
in the beginning bruh, there was three, the trilogy, holding down the power of thought, melded by gods into a trinity, the power most sought.. madmen seek to become made men until the hour of their rot
bringing the hood to Camelot? honour wildout, pg, and blak.. serving up 2 by three and ending in four, eliminating the weakest minded and leaving the rest metaphysically sore


"battle: freestyle check in"

-"freestyle check in"
this is a freestyle check in
I run through general discuss, freestyle and the lesson
but freestylin' is what I usually be the best in
battle chicks and dicks like I’m sexing
so deadly like HIV when I ride unprotected
I penetrate ya mind like sperm to egg and dissect it
& breed miserable babies because my grind is dirty
you thought you had sense, but your ass ain't worthy

(by sally_ca$h)

-"as I check in.."
I bring hard lessons
like school teachers staring down your shirt with straight erections
lethal injections put in your arm
to disarm the bombest battle poker face joker rappers
you been a naughty girl strap ya on the ass
while you play in my girls pubic curls
if my ass ain’t worthy why you got your face all in it
let’s get down to the specifics
this is business
we can stay
at the hotel, go tell your man that he's worthless
check my fresh pressed khakis and my brand new wallabies
and understand that the trio shatter your dreams:
wannabe's get thrown over board for a good dime
you can call sally_ca$h for a good time
rookie's ain’t tight they just green
chicken heads stay cooked lean
Wildout be like W.O. when I’m pressed for space in lines
hoes can suck my dick and swallow instead of trying to spit next time
or get burnt in the blaze of gasoline and nines
weak minds
you couldn’t get air time as a box cutting afghan
and even if you get signed, it’s just ‘cause labels dont give a fuck bout the true rap fans
quit calling out beef if your only meat is canned!


“Guess who’s back” feat. Anita J, and Ergobliss

-----Guess who's back...
the balance is gone
fundamentally wrong
writing out all my thoughts hypnotically prolonged
these tears have bled
there last flow
opening a portal, they be, officially alone
no home,
since we got out of our mom's inner chambers
I’m seeking out truth in women's nurturing nature
but half the time, these encounters are pornographic in flavour..
like I need passion's rations in order to get along my path
we think therefore we are, after cerebral spiritual math
so if we can contemplate something,
we must have known already prior to our..
revelations of future nations
and I sign a sig' at the end with peace
torn papers, wastes of indelible ink
hoping that my imagery, my forehead slamming into your 3rd..
will help make you think
and distinctly hear the vocal tones that carry bullshit home
while truth.. it's words are carried on the tongues of birds
and landed through moonlight slayings of war lords when we murk
berserk lurk unfaithfully
unprotected untrusting, full of hate and we
turn our backs on sanctity, in hopes of better things
like if we sacrifice the king, then we might have a queen
let’s take it to the next level, unfinished and uncreated yet
and lean just a little out of your mind's frame and catch that vertigo
scared bout falling into oblivion, just let yourself go
grab on to the clef bars and flow a note on truth's flow
yo come on.. wont you
-----Guess who's back....

See we be
Diving into atmospheres
Where climactic changes occur frequently
Mother Nature be hurting herself
When lightning bolts strike the Earth destroying trees
That stood for years before you or I were conceived
Even in the minds of our grandmothers and grandfathers
Yet all we tend to see
Is how storms affect ourselves, our own personal experience
Changes in degrees
Confusing the masses
One person deciding the majority's destiny manifest
I'm moved to wonder exactly what is the purpose of our quests
When we preach of unconditional love
Yet spew out hatred through acts of incivilities
Blinded to our own reflections yet quick to point out the faults of our "enemies"
Who really be our brothers and sisters
Who really be our selves,
Ignorance runs rampant like jokes, but expresses hidden truths on our shelves
Between the cover up
Of patriotism and pain
We're quick to protect our own race or culture and let others stand out in the rain
How soon we forget we've all been there forced into that predicament
Hatred against us now becomes the fire we use against another
Where's the rationality in that downward spiralling detriment
I'm sick of being surrounded by bullshit lies and tainted misconceptions
Tired of spittin' up acidic liquids that have seeped into my being like an infection
We trying to bring back the balance using the Light within our inner cores
Spreading truths
Like doves flying through skies
Blissful yet wise to bring peace to our shores

-----and with the tide comes whispers... faded voices saying..

-----Guess who's back..

-digging my feet in the sand
watchin' the scarlet red sun walk under the earth
as the night gives birth to the moon..
questioning my mind while I try to keep in tune
with the crashing of ocean waves..
leaving me in wonder..
while I keep half burnt blunts
blazin' and hiding under.. the palm of my hand
my love goes undying.
to define nations
created by the salted tears of the crying
thru the words of one god
that creeps past silent murders
and puts a knife in the middle of my enemy
aspirations are wiped clean
broken free..
and left to breathe
yet the world still claims that
humanity is a lie told to the weak..
while hearts stall and freeze
we sit back and think about how bittersweet life has turned out to be
thoughtlessly trying to write dreams
when we close our eyes
and pretend to sleep
I’m a million different people placed in one mould
as I unfold the agendas of my hero
as he flies by my consequence
trying to be more then ordinary..
smuggling the meaning from sight
I still find myself falling to my knees
with tears to stain my face
at night left to pray
for peace
for hope
for my soul back
‘cause without it
I envision a world
with a backbone weaker then mine..
retracing back to the balance
walking with an empty motion
handing me down like old clothing..
passion whispers defeat
so what is left
but to find a new beginning
‘cause we are the chosen ones
from our unmarked chambers in the sky
reviving our souls with another day
living while we can
and remembering not to fade
while we watch shooting stars
burn truth into a slow motion delay

-----I shudder.. cluttered into three words. like

-----guess who's back. when

I am chosen by who then self
reflected on by who but self
revered and feared
the complications to mental health
of not questioning self
of not bypassing the games, and not sizing your self
you dont need a belt, to fit YOUR image
just find where your true self really fits in
whether that be in, hip hop
a war
or an alley way
the question of self, simply disillusions the rivalry
‘cause we're not here to play each other,
we’re here to play ourselves
on a universal scale
our workshop
our production's players..
throw ‘em up and freeze..
just wait
stop and cultivate
this moment in time
like a vine, your proud to say you nurtured
after watching it climb
it all reflects on self, see you'd be surprised
how much we need mirrors integrated into our daily lives
and how many things besides coated glass we use to see into our own lives
but what chemistry can we create without using our self
as a main ingredient, wonder why your kids so similar
look at what your feeding em
hopefully, it dont consist of your flavour beating them in the chest
but more like warm milk and a soft pillow =ing rest
there's beauty in self, to all those who detest
put your fears to rest, rather then to nest
the un-natural growths of hatred
in places we confess..
come on exhale and focus on the beat in your breast
observe self's inner breath

when we as self
are facing one on one our
destiny and quality
set upon shelves
to make connections with each other
wishing we really could be connected to ourselves..
while lies be sneaking around like spies
dancing on innocent shoulders
talkin' bout street crimes and drama
trying to figure out why
everyone rather hear the truth
as we stoop under the level we deserve
relativity goes unheard
I got more soul five times past my ego
and bright fine fire flies
that hide under my closed fist
while little children be contemplating suicide
like it was ever a choice
as "why" is posed as another question
we have no answer to
we sit back and try to crush our greed into fine wine
like it would make a difference
like our frown will turn into a smile
dangling at the bottom of grape vines
just trying to hold on
and not fall to hard..
gods have been tossed aside
‘cause most dont believe in a god
even more most think believing is to hard..
while potential still be standing on guard

-----I'm tired of the guessing games:

split upon naked blade
tight fade in shade degrade the made man sitting
hit men, waiting with blank faces to get hidden
but karmically, our death is suicidal in all ways
‘cause if there is such thing as fate then we chose the actions
the direct cause to these days..

Count the syllables, divide the nouns from the verbs
Take the sum and multiply it to feed a billion souls, these herbs
Be fortified
With understanding, truth and wisdom engrained into perception's feel
To massage your mental's realm dropping a seed of the surreal
To allow Imagination's Creativity to be born and fly
We only want to remove the walls to show the boundless chambers of our sky
Chosen Ones, find yourself in the truth of your Soul
Reflections shine Eternally, as we diminish illusion's mould
Through Darkness, Illuminate Inner Lights of Gold
Raise your vibrations and watch as expectations unfold...

take care of grace in it’s purity before it grows to old
‘cause the years the we taste
are compared to all the ones that we waste
to only simmer when their freezing cold..
sit back and take the time to look
firm up your grip and take hold..
of all the things made beautiful
‘cause when we shine..
our words are heard so honestly
but I’m still searching for some real life views..
that have been bothering my curiosity
envisioning ordinary conditions that I’ve been placed in
my tomorrows and yesterdays are reserved for my soul
but as for today..
I’m given time to learn
that life is all about mathematics
and that’s what half the world doesn’t know yet
like how to add up all the times we've fallin' in love
subtract it from all the times we've wanted to give up
and divide it by all the times we've stood up
for ourselves

Guess who's back..
---you can’t shut yourself down
----sabotage, ‘cause your afraid of being yourself
-----well Guess who's back... it keeps calling you out
------see your reflection and be like:
..............guess who's back.............






the cocoon of my life, is acknowledged
and therefore, not too difficult to accept..

if you acknowledge life as these steps
it’s not so hard after all..


dont feed the children, penicillin..
let their minds go.


“Rise” feat. Anita J.

as the..
sun rays
dance down
to the soil
which my soles touch
the warmth in my soul blush
on a foreign land
where I conceived my conception
of what it means to be a part of humanity
where I received the directions given but not followed
this land does not belong to me, it is rich and not hollow
as long as it can still breathe
some see,
the conclusion was to keep it diseased
dry the flowers on an upside down canvas
achieve superiority over torn flesh
power over a dead world, which leaves you where you began
with power over yourself, what is it that you dont see?
stop allowing them to force feed you all this greed
like a bad meal you trying to eat to impress "good company"
when institutions form, do we forget our independent respect?
if you can't trust what I’m saying then..
some take my kindness as weakness,
some hoard the pig feed while I survive on scraps of sweetness
there's no point to be found struggling against yourself
nations are only formed by allowing independent self-clarification
fuck public examinations, stand looking into a mirror
wondering what their goin’ to be sayin
dont you realize it's you that you need to be facing??

of a crumbling corrupt nation
dilapidation of the temples
of our exteriors
a shoulder that seems inferior
too weak to carry
all the boulders
that life keeps adding onto our loads
travellin' down roads
some of which have left us reaping fruitless crops
so we stop
consider where we're headed
take a look around 360 degree angles embedded
in the cerebral map we glance at whenever we become lost
how easy that is when judgements are cast
and we can't see the real cost
of what it's doing to one another
lashin' verbal attacks on each other
but your reflections the same as mine,
closer than a sister or brother
more like that divine spiritual essence
can't front like I don't recognize that presence
in every living being
but it's our eyes that lead us to mistrust what we be seeing
so who you fighting against really?
when it boils down to the ground
the acid you spittin' becomes your own mourning sounds
that you hear in your darkness, your own cries through the night
stop hurtin' yourself by hurtin' others
end the cycle and find your path to the Light...

life is a dream
I wake up conceived in
sweating my ass off
trying to pass off the tragedies
that I claim are not
indirectly effecting my trains of thought
why do I lie?
I dont even go to church any more
but I sit under the trees and cry..
speaking tongues that have traces of where my real heart resides
where walls are victim to defamation
and words are victim to fall dead, if they dont attack everyone who enters their premises
still I stand a pacifist in action against the nemesis

transformations left me with a new perception
my body became the temple that I worshipped inside =ing my resurrection
I began to keep 24/7 in my heart the place where my Creator could reside
and hell I still cry
‘cause life is still amass with burdens
and though I’m still strugglin'
still moving through obstacles
still facing adversities,
fears and the worst of my own insecurities
I'm still alive with the breath and strength to keep fighting through
Cuz this world is a battlefield
but we're armed with experiences laced with lesson-filled jewels
that'll bring us wisdom and truth to help us on our pathway
can't give up no matter how rough be the terrain
keep elevating
keep maintaining
keep breathing life energy
‘cause it's our choices that'll determine
when our hour glass's sands will cease


“Politix Dido (verse one)”
may-21-01, 2:53 pm

they killed Diallo
Diallo never choose to hurt them
seems they think they can kill everyone who sees past the curtain
of the racist, fascist, lies to the masses
political assassination
stressful for the nation
worried about bush and I’m Canadian
feeling the people in the streets struggling
hearing them, not fearing them
cause hip hops changed, rejected
it’s like a backwards coming of age
I’m not ghetto, you couldn’t find it in my bones
Cuz ghetto’s are filled with people, and I write the best alone
the everyday struggles, people go through most of there lives
I dedicate the rhyme to it,
the mothers and wives who working on the streets
while there teenage suns collapse in shattered heat
ghetto ain’t a fun thing, it’s just a word to some
but to those dying for funds, just to make it out a one bedroom apartment
trying to figure out a plan, to get somewhere to sleep, besides the park bench
we all caught up.
the capitalist gain, dying over possessions and things,
obsessions, with jewels and cars
and the rich class laughs as we walk by their class rooms
in fed ex suits carrying their shit, with nothing for our trouble
they have orchestras and theatres but still like to be entertained by struggles
and the real lyricists in the ghettos can’t afford no damn video
and if we weren’t so hungry, we wouldn’t welcome in their movie trucks
those out for fame, I pity you
cause your digging your own grave
dragging your heart out over cheap pave
with the shovel they handed you, forgetting truth
the rules of engagement
entrapment of a nation
get yours, but forget the gat at home
we don’t need more youth with intravenously fed intestines
leave the guns alone
….there’s people all around, reach out, your home.


“sit and listen”

Return of the infamous, you couldn’t hit this with a sniper scope
your wish list, my hit list, and all of Christianities hope,
I’m the cook, I like it hot, or else I’d get out the kitchen
scorns and dirty looks, hidden dirty books
wet finger tips, and wet steel blades
little kids playing big war games
little names being thrown at huge claims
theories of Confucius, tell me what the truth is
want to battle, let’s do this
Sundance kid,
these verbal blades slinged at your head like cold winters
and cold wishes, democracy turned dirty
thrown dishes, irreversible like permanent blisters
the plague has been released
it’s fury unleashed through a contracted palm of hand
the seventh shakra released through my spinal land
we live under stairs, we live with your stares
but we are not aggrieved, we see the deepness of the shadows
lands of the deceased, so it reads:

(scat) you should…sit and listen, should should should…sit and listen, wishing, naw fam’ sit and listen, gather round

gather round
see the children drowned in they own blood
changes of the seasons, descentions of the sun
the moons blood runs down the side of jagged cliffs
ghosts of our country built on the weak's corpses
deceit, soft symphonies, jonesin’ for some freedom of self
big headed, self centred, got to come through me
to even get me thinking, ‘cause if it doesn’t enter my chi
I don’t even feel it linking me
I descent with earth’s pressure baring down on my shoulders
atlas holds the world badly, so I took his job gladly,
now it’s time for change
mind bending information streams
communist glocks locked into place
with the face of an evil master set to be erased
interrupting communication….NOW.

(scat) you should…sit and listen, should should should…sit and listen, wishing, naw fam’ sit and listen, gather round


“Be(come) Free”

equality can lead a grown man to insanity,
rage and disillusionment blinds our people, filling the streets with crime,
too many shades of grey, make it seem today, we’ve ran out of time,
one question constantly, everlastingly, always torments my mind;

How can we be(come) free?

It’s hard enough striving for peace within me, never mind the community
with these hazes and phases tearing us apart,
we have to remain as ourselves and recognize that pain is not art,
and it’s hard, to see the light some days,
seems every shiny sun is blotched out by clouds forming with rain,
our very bones seem laced with pain, most days
everywhere I turn, I see corruption in society, the government will lie to me
blankly and open armed.

While these lies are trying me, the streets are dying,
mothers weep and crying is ignored as daily ritual,
children’s spirits watch over them, while more youth turn to violence
and the ex-cons watch them roll out sighing.

’Why can’t they realize before they start dying’

But already it is too late, everyday a new sky is overlooked
and what of thoughts on love?
love surrounds us like the air we breathe, and yet we seek it not,
our respect is due to the womb, the mother moon, and the earth
but we’ve been walking further away since birth,
and although Euel you told me “Love the music, but not the violence”
I can see how anger slips into a man.

If for a moment your mind can stay true to you, remember this quote
from the Rza in the Wu:




“Trade Off”

what happens when the sky turns grey, and all thoughts on tomorrow,
don’t matter because there no longer is today,
we live like we are the divine, most holiest,
fine, but our words roll with evils we caught on the grape vine,
I pray, I plead, I spray, I bleed
what happens if what we need, is the trade off we selling today.

as I talk my breath leaves, my final plea, as police throw the tear gas,
though we protest peacefully, but I guess just though is violent,
as we continue to be treated with fraudulence,
stolen, stuck, and fucked over.

what we s’posed to do?
we are the free trade heroes, the zeros,
who stand by and watch as the lakes get plucked,
we have no reason to be moved, and no reason to die for,
why for do my people not see the sacrifice we cry for?

the bullets rain, deeper then Teflon,
they reach through what’s left,
wrong it would be to assume my friends are not my hidden enemies.

more war in the gulf, this time worse to see,
the exodus to freedom cursed and thrown under a carpet for our security,
life is beautiful, but we shall never see life,
we praise the rich for beating us, we curse ourselves for losing,
the games were never made for us, but we receive the bruises.

they got us in cages, hoping our rages will shade us from finding light,
of the truth we sought as innocents, they make us think hope is for the ‘right’,
and of course, we ‘are not them’.

Our anthem should ring above the mountains,
ring above the clouds, if it will bring peace to the wounded in the crowds,
let them sing:

Bring in the Police!
Bring in the Militia!
Bring in the double crossing politicians and the rich who would sit and watch at home!
we remain nailed to our chairs, our eyes unjustly held,
and the rise of your go