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Topic subjectwell look at the defense attorney....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=3432&mesg_id=3464
3464, well look at the defense attorney....
Posted by jayare214, Wed Aug-20-03 05:30 AM
1rst you shore are taking an interest in this arent ya ric?
2nd ezzential when you get ya comp up we can trade audios, cuz my profession is audio production. to say that becuase an alliteration in a line is the same is plagerism is just pain gay....":fradulent foes with the strength of hercules the way you on my tip must really hurt ya knees"- del the funkee homosapaien (C) 1991. does that make both me and ezzentail plagarists???? look i take a plagerizing accusation very fucking serious cuz i am both a poet and song writer. everything i author is an original composition, and for ANYONE based off the VAGUE similiarities in a couple of keystyle lines to seriously insist on slinging that accusation is just fucking immature....but look there i go sounding mad right? hahahah in truth i literally write most of my battle verses in 10 - 15 minutes. the only verse i refer to is my competoitions wwhen there is ammo to be grabbed from their verse. as for your concerns ric, about me reading or not reading....look at the fuckin votes man! I aint have time ti read most of the battles in the first round.....in the second round i had more time and their were fewer verses...I read ezzentials 2nd rd battle vs frak to see what her style was cuz honestly I didnt know DICK about her cept she was accusing me of jacking her shit. For the record....be it poetry a battle verse, a keystle, or a full composition song, every composition i come up with is a combination of my own gift with words and divine inspiratioon that guides me. look, im a writer. that s what i am and thats what i do. maybe yall know mufuckas that aint shy about jackin verses, but i been rhyming for 11 years!!!! TRUST, no disrespect to ezzential, but were i a shady disreputable snake who stole shit, There are more established and more potent writers to jack from both on these boards and in hiphop. Ive been into this music since 1980.....I take my music and my lyrics seriosuly.....any mufucka that thinks any aspect of this is stolen from abnother emcee can bring it in text, or in audio and get their ass chewed....
ezzential....im sure you do ya thang but in reading ya verse It read too dense and convoluted to spit to a beat. maybe you can maybe you cant. either way trust famz, i aint steal nothing from another writer since i been doing this shit.

Ric.....you takin this awful personal and slingin some serious accusations famz. I have VOLUMES of both verses and poems, and i personally find the most offensive thing another writer can EVER do to another is jack without giving due props. so as for ANYTHING i have typed, spit, or produced being "suspect", do yourslef a favor and get aquainted with my work before you talk.

BTW....Ezzential I feel you on the time thing...if you still wanna fuck with this battle drop your 2nd...its your turn ma....if not then fuck it....i repeat for the millionth time....
it aint that serious....