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Topic subjectFIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=33776&mesg_id=33776
33776, FIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by qoolquest, Tue Oct-18-05 06:50 AM
you will never know the pain of editing 168 minutes worth of music down to two 78:59 minute discs.

i mean down to the SECOND!!!

and the friggin LINER NOTES!!!!


i will say this much.

this is the GREATEST 2 disc compilation of music ever assembled for a group without ONE top ten hit.

not even a top 10 rap hit.

but pound for pound this was an eye opener.

i'll give you the rundown--

yall better buy this shit cause it aint like interscope is going to celebrate us leaving home

disc one

-29. (interlude)/proceed 2 w/ roy ayers/(interlude2)
-28. distortion to static
-27. what they do w/ rapheal sadiq
-26. the next movement/(interlude3)
-25. good music
-24. the lesson pt 1 w/ dice raw
-23. star
-22. the hypnotic w/ d'angelo
-21. silent treatment
-20. you got me w/ jill scott....and eve! (interlude4)
-19. clones w/ MARS and dice raw
-18. what you want w/ jaguar wright (interlude5)
-17. Act Too: Love Of My Life w/ Common
-16. Do You Want More?!!??!?! (interlude6)
-15. It's Coming w/ aj shine and elo/myself (live from illadelph dec 1993) (interlude7)
-14. double trouble w/ mos def (interlude8)

disc two

-13. sacrifice (live on BBC's radio one "worldwide" with Giles Peterson)
-12. No Alibi (interlude9)
-11. Essaywhuman?!?!?!?!
-10. Break You Off (Dub Check at Bogarts Cn ohio 2003) w/ Neo
-9. Quicksand Mgodamnlenium (9 days of sweat and no sleep for this...i encourage you to dickride me for this one...cause lord knows there were about 34 other thing$ i coulda been doing besides looking in a storage unit like im jodie foster in "silence of the....") (interlude10)
-8. Pass The Popcorn (revisited)
-7. Dont Say Nothin' (Remix)
-6. Adrenaline w/ beanie siegal and dice raw (interlude 11)
-5. The Lesson Pt 3 w/ jag and dice raw
-4. Y'all Know Who (Ruff Mix)
-3. Thought@Work (sorry...tried to sneak beatles on there...almost got away with it and them someone blew whistle) (interlude 12)
-2. BOOM!
-1. The Seed/Melting Pot/Web (live on BBC's radioone "worldwide" with Giles Peterson) w/ Martin Luther
0. Din Da Da (interlude 13)

43 Jawns

im going to bed now.
