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Topic subjectRE: the dancing
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=156855&mesg_id=156873
156873, RE: the dancing
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Sun Mar-06-11 12:51 PM
>Im not homophobic, got no beef with em and dont waste my time
>thinking about what they do, but when I go to Buffalo Wild
>Wings and see a group of young brothers in skinny jean,
>fluorescent colors, and dancing with each other on the corner,
>literally dancing with each other, its just weird.

I agree
I'm not homophobic in the slightest, but what bothers me is niggas doing shit like that and not having a clue about where it comes from or what they're actually doing

>Promoting the homosexual lifestyle under the guise of
>tolerance ( hate that word ) and equal rights would be a
>pretty big. . . umm, conspiracy?

see the thing is it's being done covert, on some tranny shit
no way they'd say 'oh yeah this dance originated in the gay clubs' or 'this is how we wear our shit, it's hot so you should do it too'
they're just telling niggas to do it, having them popp off it, then making other niggas follow suit

>The real question is if this is indeed going on then what
>would the true motive be, you not gonna get a brothers dollar
>trying to sell him some gay stuff. Have young White males
>already been gayed out with emo? I keep reading that there
>wasnt one top 10 rock song last year, and rock used to be
>super masculine.

like I said, the music industry is running out of ideas so they're selling wha they know and what they wanna see
like if a nigga is a director and he like seeing hoes in leather catsuits in his personal life, then he'll have them in the videos and movies too
that's what's being done here

>and again, its always about paper, but what would be the point
>of trying to make everybody accept this lifestyle?

because it's easily understood by the execs and it's easier to turn out product when you have full grasp of the shit beforehand
no need to gauge demographics if you're creating and controlling said demographic
the recording industry has been on some cut-the-middle-man shit for at least a decade and that pretty much hits across the board