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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectwhat are you working with?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=10810&mesg_id=10812
10812, what are you working with?
Posted by Spread, Thu Jan-08-04 06:33 AM
cuz if you just sampling off CDs, there are a bunch of drum sample cds that are pretty decent out there. i don't know where but I doubt they're too hard to find, I got some friends that have some.
I sample most of my drums from vinyl because I like the warmth and I'm a DJ so I just don't buy CDs. But what I like to do is sample a lot of old snares from 70s recordings when they made them real dry and dead. You can get a good snare from the beginning of Superstitious by Stevie Wonder for example, but I'm sure you can find plenty on anything.
I usually just cut it up in sound forge. I make sure to start the sample as soon as the attack is and try to let it sustain as long as possible before another drum or cymbol gets in the sample. But if you keep the sustain, make sure to fade it out beacuse the noise of the sample won't sound as good if it just cuts out suddenly.
Now it is a tedious and painstaking process, but if you can find enough stuff it is worth it. I find that even if I use Fruity Loops, my beats sound much better when I sample from record.
But man, there is a million things you can do. These are just my methods.