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Topic subjectthis is what i like them for
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=4302&mesg_id=4389
4389, this is what i like them for
Posted by GumDrops, Tue Oct-26-04 09:22 AM
all these lines about grabbing people's cocks and
>licking them from their ass to their crotch.

thank god for lyrics like that - or rather, thank god for lyrics like that in this artier context thats usually filled with the most mundane odes to positivism and whimsy (hello, jill scott, lizz fields, musiq, etc). and whats better is that they dsont sound like copies of hip hop rhymes either, theyre fun, daring, and weird but still 'good'.

by the way, the best sa ra songs are the ones that dump the soporific, boring, downtempo, plodding, going-nowwhere subtle mellowness for some timbo, neptunes, and kraftwerk influence )but done in the sa ra style, not copying).