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Topic subjectRE: Perfect way to describe it.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=170384&mesg_id=170699
170699, RE: Perfect way to describe it.
Posted by murph71, Wed Mar-25-15 05:51 PM
>>I hope we don't start looking down on albums just because
>>may be a bit more linear....
>Nothing's changing about what I like.
>I like what I feel is great music. TPAB reaches my standard.
>I don't necessarily think it would be a bad thing if alotta
>ppl started to re-evaluate what
>they think is great music though. Our legacy is worth
>preserving and too much trash
>has been given a pass in the name of that legacy. I ain't
>afraid to say that. *shrugs*

So now we are saying GKMC doesn't preserve "our" legacy?

I mean, I'm riding shotgun with u homie on To Pimp A Butterfly...It's worth the hype...It's kicking everybody's asses....

But saying that GKMC doesn't uphold some sort of legacy is, I don't know...a bit over-the-top....

That's just me, though....