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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectCompetitive mode is out on PTR
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=293239&mesg_id=299982
299982, Competitive mode is out on PTR
Posted by Paps_Smear, Wed Jun-22-16 11:29 AM
Testing it

Did my 10 placement matches yesterday and so far I'm kinda meh about it. Had a few teams where you know a few people had no idea what they're doing, the fact that others can hold me back in ranking never set right with me in games. Sometimes I feel like my performance should be the think that takes me higher. Often times I was the higher level person on my team and you could tell some of the others still are not used to certain roles.

If someone leaves your game in competitive mode it doesn't replace them, rightfully so because who would want their rank fucked by joining a match that's already at a loss. The thing that kills me is the game gives you the option to leave without a penalty but it counts as a loss regardless. Honestly a huge waste of time for the team that's short a man. We had the other team who was really cool about it tell us how sorry they are that one idiot left us a man short and we'd take a loss.

The games I had where people worked together were fantastic though. I feel like once they work out a few things with competitive it could really end up being a great addition to this already fun game.

Oh, and if you're not playing Zarya as one of your tanks then something is wrong. You can combo her ult with ANYONE and destroy. If your team is smart enough to save their ults and only use them while she's in the middle of hers you'll see "Team Kill" multiple times in one match. Works best in king of the hill match where they'll all be on the point.