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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectHere's why you're just another Apple cock gobbling cunt
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=272491&mesg_id=272540
272540, Here's why you're just another Apple cock gobbling cunt
Posted by lc ceo, Tue Jun-12-12 03:19 PM
>but not a single word
>>you've said at any point on the matter detracts from the
>>bottom line: Apple is a shining example of patent law gone
>>crazy. THAT'S what this is about.
>Microsoft has done the same thing and no one says a word. At
>first you said those patents were not essential and were
>proven wrong. You continuously hate on a company that's done
>NOTHING WRONG. It's America so hate away. But don't act like
>any company does not have a right to protect their patented
>technology. If roles were reversed in this trial you wouldn't
>say a word.
>>And guess what?
>You didn't read the article.
>>How's that for "smooth shut down"? A guy whose job it is to
>>form *legal* opinions on things and rule on them.... thinks
>>patent laws have gone off the deep end. Which is my
>>That you disagree with... but I got smooth shut down?
>>I'm in stitches, really.
>It's a failure on your part. This decision will be appealed by
>Apple and this will go on. These patent lawsuits are
>beneficial for the industry because it forces corporations to
>create ORIGINAL products.

Patent laws are out of control. End of story, and that change WILL come. It's just a matter of time. I said something about this one because I might be directly effected by it, but that's not why I feel patent laws are fucked up. This intimation that because I didn't have a cow about Microsoft's own shady, shitty ways, it somehow means I'm simply on an anti-Apple crusade is a terrible argument with no legs.

Bottom line, yet again: patent laws for these tech companies are fucking retarded. Period. End of story. Now, you see it differently, and that's all good and well. You're too dense and have your head wedged too far up Apples asshole to understand that the fucking issue here is the shitty patent system that allows trivial shit to get a patent- Apple just happens to be a fine example of that broken system. A simple look at that new "wedge" bullshit is yet another hysterical example.