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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectWhat Reg said
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=266706&mesg_id=299139
299139, What Reg said
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Wed Mar-09-16 10:29 AM
This game is masterfully done. Please make sure you do the following while playing.

- Play with a 5.1 speaker system or some good over the ear noise cancelling headphones. Turn the lights off. Noise is and lack of noise is actually used in a smart way in this game. You can hear people's footsteps and breathing if they are trying sneak up on you or hide. The monsters sound creepy as fuck.

- Play it on the hardest setting you can right from the jump. You can lower the difficulty during the game if you get stuck and bring it back up once you are past a hard part. You still beat the game on the highest difficulty you selected however (good for trophies and gameplay)

- Search everywhere and craft often. Make sure you are full of crafted items at all times. You got limited room and you should maximize your parts.