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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subject8 Pro is now on the ExoPc Slate
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=261502&mesg_id=277229
277229, 8 Pro is now on the ExoPc Slate
Posted by FLUD_of_IP, Sat Oct-27-12 09:49 PM
Post install it worked very well

just needed drivers for HDMI out, bluetooth, and acceleromter (win7 drivers will do the trick here)

Smooth as shit on 2 year old hardware and a single core atom cpu

Skype is dope as shit and same for rdp which is now more touch oriented

OneNote beats down evernote

I'm upset with the IM+ app so instead I just installed the desktop version of Trillian

Web Pandora WILL STOP PLAYING if you hide app, you have to play it on a split screen. So I just installed the desktop version of last.fm and it works great

The biggest test was my wife and she learned the gestures in 5min

She loves this thing now

More to come.......