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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectSo....................I can mod guns, items and stats
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=206872&mesg_id=215599
215599, So....................I can mod guns, items and stats
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Sat Dec-12-09 11:16 PM
So yeah you can save your save game to a flash drive (or portable HDD)
and edit the save game files in a hex editor. There are a couple of freeware save game editors out there as well.

I've seen some people who were level 999, some people with 4000 damage guns.

I didnt do any of that its not really even necessary. I did do the following.

Wee Wee Booster: I took the version I had and changed the quality from purple to dark orange. I ended up with a 1000+ hp shield with 150 regen and that thing has a slew of hidden stats.

I had this ill sniper rifle but I hated the scope so I changed the scope to a better one increased the clip size to 15 and made crit at 300%

I made a bullpop combat rifle, you can remove the stock. Made it 250 dmg x 4 and it shoots fire

You can do anything to your guns with the program I have. I've mainly been using it to increase the quality and change the look to smoething I like.

<------ Boho Model Madness Presents, the goddess.

PSN: ShinobiShaw

"Arm Leg Leg Arm How you doin?" (c) T510